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  •                The department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Biotechnology was first established as the 'Department of P.G Studies and Research in Life Science' on 1st January 1992 at Bhadra Reservoir Project (BRP). During March, 1996 it was shifted to the Jnanasahyadri campus at Shankaraghatta. Considering the global and national trend of giving importance to the advanced and applied disciplines, the University decided to convert the department into the Department of Biotechnology. During the year 2000-2001 the department of life science was re-designated as the 'Department of Biotechnology'. The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi provided infrastructural support of Rs. 22.00 lakhs.
                  The department has qualified and dedicated faculty along with equally young guest faculty. The faculty have excellent research exposure with International Post-Doctoral fellowships and recognised with research awards. During the year 2004-05, the Department started a Master Degree programme in Bioinformatics, first of its kind in the entire Karnataka state. The M.Sc Bioinformatics course remained till 2011-12. The alumni of this department have joined for research in reputed research institutes in India and abroad. Several of them are very well placed in multinational Biotech Companies. The research profile has progressed significantly over a period of 15 years. Primarily the research is focused on a major thrust area Bio-prospecting Medicinal Plants. The research is mainly concentrated on the micropropagation, phytochemistry and pharmacology of medicinal plants along with In silico approaches in drug designing and drug targeting. In addition, the other areas focused are genomics & proteomics, plant genetic engineering and agricultural entomology.
                  After the commencement of the Biotechnology programme the department made significant progress both in academics and in research. Several students after completing the M.Sc have joined for research in reputed research institutes in India and abroad. Few of them have joined multinational Biotech Companies. In the department, thus far more than 20 research students have been awarded the Ph.D degrees in various aspects of Biotechnology under the guidance of permanent faculties. Still many are working. Since 2006-07, the department is also offering the M. Phil course.
    The department faculty have published research papers in high impact factor journals of international repute in collaboration with many research institutes. The faculty have received research grants from various funding agencies such as University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi, Department of Science and Technology New Delhi (DST) and Medicinal Plants Board, New Delhi. The department has always given prime importance to the local needs and hence established a Centre for Plant Tissue Culture Production of Banana plants on commercial basis with a financial support from the Kuvempu University with a vision to support the small farmers of the region. This facility is first of its kind in any traditional universities of Karnataka. Hundreds of farmers from weaker sections are getting healthy, disease free Banana plantlets in subsidized rates. During 2014-15 the Biotechnology department in collaboration with other Biological Science departments has taken a lead in receiving a major Infra-structural BUILDER Project grant of Rs. 4.50 Crores from Department of Biotechnology (DBT) New Delhi on the thrust area Bio-prospecting Medicinal Plants of Western Ghats Region. .
  • Name of the Department     Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Biotechnology
    Year of Establishment         2000-01
    Name of the Chairman     
    Address of the Department  Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Reseach in Biotechnology
      Kuvempu University, Jnanasahyadri
     Shankaraghatta 577 451
     Phone: Phone: +91(0)8282-256235,
     E-mail: rmahmood@kuvempu.ac.in
  • Programmes Nature & Duration Eligibility Intake
    M.Sc., Biotechnology CBCS, Two-year, Four Semesters  B.Sc degree of Kuvempu University or UGC recognized University with any three of the following options; Biotechnology, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Sericulture/Computer Science or B.Sc Biotechnology with any other two optional papers, B.Sc. Agri., B.Sc Horticulture, B.Sc Forestry, B.F.Sc and B.V. Sc are also eligible 44
    Ph. D Full-time : 3-5 Years
    Part-time : 4-6 Years
    MSc., with minimum 55% from any UGC recognized University 3 / Asst. Professor
    4/ Assot. Professor
    8 / Professor Guide
  • Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation Area  of  Specialisation
  • Research Projects
    Sl.No. Title Funding Agency Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Amount Status
    Research Scholars
    Sl.No. Faculty Name of the Supervisor Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely date of completion of Ph.D Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship
  • Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized and Funding Agency :
    Title Level Year Funding Agency
    Refresher course National Level 2002-03 UGC
    Workshop in Genetic Engineering for Kuvempu University college teachers Regional Level 2003-04 University
    National workshop in Bioinformatics for University and College Teachers National Level 2004-05 University
    Future Expansion/Diversification Plans:
    Plan of action of the department for the next five years
    To send individual research proposals to various funding agencies
    To send proposal for SAP to UGC., DBT, DST, CSIR
    The department established a commercial tissue culture laboratory for the benefit farmers of Kuvempu university jurisdiction. The important cash crops like banana, vanilla and endemic medicinal plants are propagated through tissue culture method and sell to the farmers at low prizes.
    Placement record of the past students and the contribution of the department to the student placements.
    i 10 students are appointed in Central labs
    ii 10 students are appointed in Central labs
    iii 25 students are self employed and established research labs
    iv 04 students are moved to higher studies to USA
    v 10 students are pursuing higher studies in India